
Fridge / Microwave / Ovens / Grills / PC / Headsets

LoGo^2.4 French Fridge.

Enjoy this luxuriously sleek minimalistic fridge and have it shipped and installed for only $5060 today!
Up your kitchen game with this sleek french fridge, complete with smart technology by LoGo^2. The fridge comes with cut clean and sharp looking edges yet a softer feel for the accident-prone, easy to grip handles, simple use water and ice dispenser, and a seamless and streakless look into your next warm homecooked meal. The screen can show you your inventory, order your inventory, and allow access to the familiar functions of your phone (compatible with all Bluetooth devices.) with just a few clicks. Simplicity and modernity.

Our Purpose.

LoGo^2 aims to bring a more modernised, sophisticated, and cool take to your daily tech and appliances. Here at LoGo^2, we're big fans of the minimalist, shiny aesthetic, but we also wanted to make them more innovative and tech-based. With our simple design buff, your house can finally look clean and sharp.

Why LoGo^2?

LoGo^2, lower prices, low designs, efficiency, no worries, and all to the power of two. We enjoy taking care of you, and keeping our image clean. That's why we essentially have twice the logo!
